White Oil - Natural Way to Remove Plant Eating Pests!

It's spring!

Your vegetable garden is looking great, the sun is shining, it's not too hot, and gardening days are long, slow and delightful.


One morning you wake up to half eaten lettuce, crunched upon cauliflower, and a general massacre of your leafy vegetables!

Caterpillars, slugs and snails!!!! A gardeners worst nightmare!

Now there are many chemical pesticides on the market, and I have used them before myself.

But if you are like me and like to pick a piece of lettuce on a whim (and like a more organic garden!) - then chemical pesticides won't be for you. Most of the chemical pesticides (if not all) say that you cannot eat off the sprayed plant for 7 days! Then make sure you wash your plants thoroughly before consumption!

So what to do?


Simply mix 4 parts of olive oil to 1 part dish washing liquid and shake. This will store fine like this.

When you want to use it just mix 1 part white oil to 50 parts water. Spraying leaves above and below. I do this morning and night for a couple of days and voila! Problem solved!!!

I still rinse all food I pick - but I do anyway!

Let me know how you go, or what tricks you have for removing pests from plants naturally!!


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