Springtime Garden - November 2014

Springtime is a lovely time of year. The earth is in full swing, blessing us with bountiful crops, and delightful views! We keep saying our garden is like a jungle! Because, if you are working at the back of the garden beds, you cannot be seen through all the foliage from the front!

I thought I'd show you all what's going on in the garden beds. We harvested our first ever blueberries!!!! But I was so excited we ate them before taking a photo! Our painted mountain corn is growing a most wonderful colour! The apples are forming! The fireball apricots are only a few weeks from harvesting! The tomatoes are growing faster than we can tie them up, and the million dollar peach tree is in full production. We have also dried a variety of herbs and harvested our garlic. And my husband and I 'stole' new potatoes at night with a torch giggling like school children - from our our own backyard! Haha. Another first this month was our brown onions! We were very excited to harvest those!

We are also harvesting a variety of herbs and lettuces, spinach, rainbow chard and carrots daily now!

Here are a few photos...


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