Sunday Night Routine
When I was younger Sunday nights for as long as I can remember where spent at home, preparing for the week ahead. My dad organised his work ready for the week, my mum made the lunches and organised her errands ready for the coming week. Every Sunday night was spent together as a family, before the week took us our separate ways.
Fast forward a few decades and we too have the same Sunday night every week.
My husband gets ready for his week at work. I bake a cake for recesses and morning tea and make the lunches. We have family time. I do my meal plan and shopping list and check what's going on for the week. We sit down and discuss where we will both be, and what plans we have for the week.
It may sound boring to some, but I find it quite relaxing. Being together as a family, wrapping up the weekends rest and recreation together. Organising our coming week so we are well prepared for that Monday morning rush!
It is rare as hens teeth that we would be out on a Sunday night, and I like that. It feels like we are continuing a tradition set by our parents, and most likely theirs before them.
What are your Sunday nights like? Do you have any family routines or traditions that you have kept going with your family?
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