Quick Pickled Vegetables
We recently went out for dinner, and were given a beautiful entree that included picked vegetables. Now I make sweet pickled cucumbers, but that is for a long term pickle. I had no clue how to quickly pickle vegetables. So the hunt was on. Turns out it is easy!
Here is how to quickly pickle vegetables.
Chop your veggies. I chose red onions, radishes, carrots and capsicum. You could also use cauliflower or cabbage - what ever takes your fancy.
Here is how to quickly pickle vegetables.
Chop your veggies. I chose red onions, radishes, carrots and capsicum. You could also use cauliflower or cabbage - what ever takes your fancy.
Place the vegetables in to sterilised jars.
Then prepare the pickling liquid.
Recipe -
2 cups of white vinegar (you can use red or white wine vinegar too)
2 cups of water
2 tablespoons of salt
4 table spoons of sugar
Optional spices - I also added 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds, but you could add any spices that you like, or none at all.
Place all the ingredients into a saucepan and slowly heat till the sugar is dissolved.
Add the pickling liquid to the jars and leave to cool. Once cooled, put on a lid and leave in fridge for at least 6 hours to overnight before use. Best flavours are after about 2 days. But in a pickle (oh yes I did!) you can use after a good 2 hours. These will keep in your fridge for up to two weeks.
*disclaimer - these recipes are for personal use only. No liability will be taken if you choose to use any of the recipes on this site.
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