How To Get Organised

A question that I get asked a lot is - how do you fit it all in? Family, baking, gardening, housework!

I do have a busy life - I am constantly running around either inside or outside the house. Doing things that I have to do, or that I want to do.

That's not to say though that I don't looove an afternoon nap, or to sit down for a cup of tea during the day. But generally I get a lot achieved each day - even when I'm sick.

So how do I do this? There are 2 things that I have learned.......

The first is this :


Think about that statement for a moment. Light bulb moment right!!! Housework doesn't end, there is something new to do each day. So how could you possibly finish it? You can't! So just do what needs to be done each day! Once you realise this, the pressure is off! I never feel like I haven't finished! I just think that I achieved what I needed to that day - be it washing, bathrooms, kitchen etc. and then I am happy! I've done my job for the day!

One of the ways I do this is by having a cleaning schedule - I don't feel the need to do the whole house from top to bottom in one day - I just do a bit each day. If your interested in looking a what I do then click here.

The second is this :


I stay organised - or I try to. I find that if I want to fit everything into a day but have to fluff around looking for things, then all the things I have planned just won't happen! So I try to keep my house organised.

I have a few tricks up my sleeve to stay organised the first is above - my cleaning schedule.

The second is having an organised linen cupboard - to see how to do this then click here. There is nothing worse than having a sink full of dishes and no clean tea towels!

Another trick is from my mum - do one load of washing each day! This way you don't have a huge pile waiting for you at the end of the week - and then if you do get sick or want a day off - you can!

Lists - is my next trick! I carry around my diary (yes I like a book - yes with a pen - write it all down style - diary!), and a note pad at all times. I have a to do list that I write each evening - with what needs to be done the next day - chores, shopping, special events, baking etc. So in the morning I know exactly what I need to do that day!

Another part of my list writing is meal planning - I do this on a Sunday night and plan my meals for the week - it only takes 10 minutes - but each day I know what is being made for dinner, so it's one less thing I have to do each day. To see how I meal plan click here.

Here are a few other things that I do to keep my house oranised:

Keep your washing up gloves hanging up with a little stick on hook and an alligator clip - keeping your gloves dry and ready to use.

Load your dishwasher every night and put it on (if you have a family it will be full!), and then empty it each morning, so it's ready for your dirty dishes during the day - and they don't load up in your sink. Also take the little cutlery basket to your cutlery draw and unload it there! 

Reset your pegs. This may sound strange, but I always put my pegs back on the line on their largest setting, so they slide across easily. This saves me time fussing around when I'm hanging up washing. 

Cook extra. If you are making something that can be made into double and frozen, then do it! Then if you are having a busy day or you are sick, or have sick kids, you will always have something in the freezer to eat! 

So there you have it! This is how I organise myself and 'try' to fit it all in. I love what I do, and this helps me achieve what I need to do in the day! Remember that no one is perfect and as long as you and your family is happy and healthy then you are doing it all!! 



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