Creating A Backyard Farm Part 2 - Permanent Fixtures

Permanent fixtures - it sounds as hard as it is! Anything permanent is going to take work, after all you want it to be....permanent.

This is the hardest part of creating your backyard farm as it requires hard work! Depending on the size of your backyard and what structures are already in place, and what structures you want in place.  This is the time when your planning comes to life.

For us this involved the storm water plumbing, brick borders, trellis, and fencing. It can also be raised vegetable gardens, chicken coops, wood sheds etc. whatever YOU need for YOUR backyard farm!

This work becomes the skeleton and the structure of your backyard farm. From this everything else fits in.

So make sure you plan well, and take your time to install all your permanent fixtures. Measure twice and cut once, do a good job the first time and this will put you in good stead for a lasting and productive backyard farm.

Below are some pictures of our permanent structures - Enjoy!


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