Well, hasn’t it been an age since I’ve written here! Sorry about that. To be honest it’s not that I haven’t wanted to write, or spend more time here. But I’ve been living life! I’ve been doing all the things that for years I have been writing about. Gardening, baking, preserving, cooking, spending time with my family - just living life. And before I knew it over a year had passed.
But as the summer preserving season started, I found myself referring back here for old recipes or gardening tips, and I remembered how much I used to enjoy this space.
For example, our dinner tonight included : potatoes, corn, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, garlic, rosemary, parsley, thyme, and blood orange cordial - all either from our garden or lovingly preserved by us from friends gardens, and I couldn’t help but feel so happy about all we do here at our little backyard farm, and how I used to share these things here in more detail, rather than just a quick picture on social media.
So here we are, over a year since my last post - so many things in our life have changed, yet so many things have stayed the same. Over the next few weeks I’ll be updating older posts regarding gardening, cooking and preserving. And hopefully, just hopefully I’ll be here more often giving you more of an in-depth look at how we use the small block that we have (approx 700m2) to have our own mini homestead!
Until then, have a lovely day and happy homesteading! 😊
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