Winter Warmth

I love winter. I never used to, going to and from work bluh, taking small children in and out of the car to run errands in the cold and the rain bluh! And not being able to do a load of washing and hang it on the line bluh! 

But now... I love winter! I think gardening has helped this over the years. The more aware I am of what can be planted next, or the changing of the seasons - the more I love each one. 

Winter is special in its own right, the garden is green, so green! The mornings here are frosty, and you can see your breath in the air. Cups of tea are drank in copious amounts, whilst watching the rain fall outside. The wood fire is on each evening (providing a great spot to dry my washing!). Our family huddles around this beautiful heat creating some lovely memories. I knit in winter, only ever in winter! And the food, oh the food! The oven is on daily, slow roasting all manner of delicious delights! Filling the house with comforting smells that warm the heart, and the heat from the oven gently warms our home. There are more desserts in winter too! The summer stone fruits that were lovingly preserved in the glut of summer are opened giving us a taste of summer sweetness! Pies and crumbles, fruit cake and hot custard are all eaten by the fire, on an almost daily basis!

Adelaide's winter is lovely, even if its cold and raining we will still get a burst of sunshine each day. Helping those yummy winter vegetables grow. 

So I have come to love winter, I now really appreciate this cold and rainy time of year! 

What do you love about this glorious season? 


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