How To Remove Ants From Citrus Trees

We have a Meyer Lemon tree that is in a pot. Meyer lemons are delicious, they are almost sweet! They are my favourite lemons! Unfortunately our tree is under attack! By hundreds of little tiny black ants! Why? What are they after? SCALE! Our tree has a scale on it that secretes a sticky sweet sap! Something the ants cannot resist! The problem is whilst they are eating all this sugary sap they are also killing the tree! The new branches are dying! As you would agree this is completely unacceptable! What to do?!..........White oil!

1) Make up a good litre or two (depending on the size of the tree) of White Oil - a natural pest control!  Recipe here - White Oil

2) Saturate the branches and leaves

3) Trim off any branches with scale on them, also any dead branches.

Keep an eye on the tree over the next few weeks, watering well, and repeating the white oil weekly if need be.


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