Our Backyard Is Complete!

It's done - OUR BACKYARD!

Well, it has been done for years - but we ripped it all out and started again to get better soil quality, better produce, more produce, better use of the space we have - and guess what it's complete!!!

We have both worked hard, but......My husband has worked SO hard! He has done all the work himself, backbreaking barrow loads of soil and gravel, grinding and constructing raised garden beds, and all done in 40 degree heat or pelting rain. And his hard work is amazing! The last part was finished on the weekend - gravel!

Here are some pictures...


  1. It looks beautiful. So perfectly neat.

  2. Wow! Your backyard looks absolutely beautiful! You guys really cleaned it up and I bet it'll look even more gorgeous once spring kicks in over there. Thank you for sharing pictures of your backyard! I hope everyone's in the best of health!

    Melva Ullman @ MPDT

  3. Love your yard, can you please tell what size are your raised bed?
    We are just starting out and would love to do something similar, I have just found your blog so going to have some reading to do.

  4. Hello Tania,

    Thank you!

    My husband custom made our garden beds himself, they are 1945mm long X 1015mm wide X 600mm high. We made them this size to fit between our fruit trees and use as much space as possible.


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