Food Dehydrator

We recently bought a dehydrator. I am so excited! SO EXCITED!!! A little sad I know, but I'm so excited about the things we can create and more importantly PRESERVE! If you read my blog you will know that we grow as much of our own fruits and vegetables as we can. So when they are ready for harvesting We do not want to waste any part of these healthy organic foods!
Also I find that store bought dried apricots give me asthma! This is because they are dried with sulfer! So the thought of drying my own is great! Healthy, chemical free for our family!

I've used it twice now - I dried some candied lemon and some pear fruit leather, and the second time (it's on as I type!) 4 trays of apple!

The kids are asking if they can take them to school tomorrow for recess - OF COURSE!

Here are a couple of pictures ....

Do you use a dehydrator? What do you like to put in there? What do you / your kids like?  I'd love to know since this is new for me!


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